Evening Courses
Classical Oil Painting
with Marcus Hodge
Classical Oil painting
Monday 19:00 to 21:00
13th January to 24th March '25
Marcus Hodge
Watercolour Painting
with Grant Waters
These classes are designed for students who are keen to advance their watercolour techniques. We will concentrate on colour harmony and…
Wednesday 19:00 to 21:00
15th January to 26th March '25
Grant Waters
Life Drawing for All
with Joni Duarte
This is a taught course suitable for students (beginners, intermediate and experienced) who would like to both learn how to draw…
Thursday 19:00 to 21:00
16th January to 27th March '25
Joni Duarte
Painting in Oils and Acrylics
with Claire Venables
The course is suitable for those with some previous experience who want to extend their skills. Work will be based on…
Wednesday 19:00 to 21:00
15th January to 26th March '25
Claire Venables
Classical Oil Painting
with Marcus Hodge
For beginners or more experienced painters, this is a chance to learn or consolidate previously learned skills and further develop them,…
Thursday 19:00 to 21:00
16th January to 27th March '25
Marcus Hodge
Pottery For All
with Anthony Eccles
Pottery for all levels
Wednesday 19:00 to 21:00
15th January to 26th March '25
Anthony Eccles
Pottery for All
with Rose Wallace
Tuesday 19:00 to 21:00
14th January to 25th March '25
Rose Wallace
Pottery for All
with Rose Wallace
To include all aspects of pottery, throwing, hand building and modelling. Many types of clay are available and a wide selection…
Monday 19:00 to 21:00
13th January to 24th March '25
Rose Wallace
An Introduction to Drawing and Painting
with Nena Parkes
A class for the complete beginner or students with a little experience who wish to discover and extend their capabilities. The…
Tuesday 19:00 to 21:00
14th January to 25th March '25
Nena Parkes
Life/Portrait Drawing and Painting
with Neil Drury
Working directly from the model. The beginner or the more experienced will be encouraged to value both creativity and technical accomplishment.…
Tuesday 19:00 to 21:00
14th January to 25th March '25
Neil Drury